Posts tagged emotional intelligence
Humility, Vulnerability and Leadership with Mark Ippolito

In this complex world that we live in today, employees, leaders, customers, shareholders - we all have opinions, and we all have experience we draw from, but, boy, I tell you, in so many industries, we’re creating new pathways, new endpoints. So we all have to be willing to say we don’t know the answer.

Look, machines, AI - it is here, it is now. It is not some future state, it’s not something that you should be thinking about and planning for in five years, no. It’s right now. It’s transforming our lives today. So just (a.) recognizing that, but (b.) not being afraid of it. What machines don’t do is deal with unconnected or unrelated scenarios, which we humans do very instinctively.

I have strengths. I have weaknesses. I’m very clear about where they are, and I articulate those to my team all the time. And what I reinforce with them is, “You have strengths.” Focus on what you can enable this team to do, and then put all of your efforts, all of your intellect, all of your emotion, all of your heart into supporting strengths and letting those people flourish around their strengths.

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