Credo #9 Focus on practices instead of stages to fuel team development

What information does your team stage give you in terms of its success? about as much as a sheep’s stage of being sheered gives them to grow.

What information does your team stage give you in terms of its success? about as much as a sheep’s stage of being sheered gives them to grow.

Following the conventional wisdom won’t help teams adapt and grow

Team development is essential. Teams that don’t adapt and grow don’t last. As we’ve said, team stages no longer make sense. Yet they remain part of the team development orthodoxy. Orthodoxy means “right opinions.” It’s the conventional wisdom, the generally accepted knowledge applied without question or challenge. Why do people stick with the orthodoxy? Because it’s what they’re used to. Also, because nothing better has come along. Well, now it has. Based on our research and experience, we’ve got a different and more effective approach. We’ve chosen to move away from the orthodoxy and instead move toward orthopraxy or “right practices.” We’ve created a specific set of six proven practices that groups can take on board to create consistently more effective collaboration. No matter how long they’ve worked together or how well they know each other they can enhance their team performance. We’re not saying it’s easy. It takes effort and persistence. But the results speak for themselves. Team after team has told us what a difference the Six Practices have made. What’s more, teams enjoy the journey. They thrive on the clarity and focus the approach is built around. They enjoy growing, learning and winning together. 

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